Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Object To Mark: 10 Pedals

So i decided to use a rose for this final project.  I knew it was going to be quite challenging for me because i personally prefer using simple, predictable shapes, where as these are a bit more organic.  Half way through this project i realized that, but by then i had gone too far and wanted to see what i can come up with.  I love flowers, roses, plants, succulents, cactus's and all that good stuff nature provides so i thought maybe i can use this for something outside of class one day.  I started off using the straight forward approach for my first sketches, then u can see towards the end, i used the photo where the rose is at more of an angle because i wanted more of an asymmetric feel to the logo even though it would still feel balanced.  Here are the sketches to the photo on the left:

By the end of these sketches, i had started to transition to the angled approach, which i prefer, i feel it espresses some scale features and allows an open opportunity for more shading.  Here are a couple sketches that i did while using the right photo provided at the top: 

And finally my finished product.

I definitely wish i could of simplified this a little bit more, for being a logo and all.  In the end, i envisioned a smooth, rounded rose with shading that consisted of staggering points for shading.  however i am very satisfied with my finished product.  The image trace of this drawing gave me bold lines that i like.  My goal was to keep it under 10 pedals, because if it went over it would be too complicated for a logo.  I do wish i went a bit more abstract though.   

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